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Are you Agile or Fragile? (And we’re not only talking to the engineers!)
Agile software development is well known enough; the daily stand up, or scrum, and the focus on iteration and customer contact is the lifeblood of many engineering departments. And, if managed correctly, the principles of agile development can be applied to many other parts of the business. Startups have crucial decisions to make about how they organize their teams across disparate geographic locations and to include new functions.
One of those decisions could be to instill agile throughout the organization. Agile sales and marketing? Yes, please. Agile operations? Who would not want that?
Join us for an agile discussion on how engineering can lead the rest of the organization in developing a methodology that keeps groups nimble and results-driven. Our panel includes engineers who practice, engineers who wished they practiced and non-engineers who are about to get schooled!
All welcome, agile minds preferred.
Hear from our experienced panel:
Duy Dang, DataSpark (A Singtel Group Company), Head of Engineering
Jatin Khosla, Konigle, Founder & CEO
Cameron O'Connor, R1 Academy Singapore, Academy Director
Nikita Virani, Wizdy, CEO & Founder
Krish Sridhar, KNOW, Founder & CEO
Ben Munroe, Cisco, Director, Security Product Marketing | HaTCH Mentor