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Harnessing AI for Business Growth

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changing force for businesses across all sectors. To shed light on this transformative technology, Ambition recently held a webinar titled "Harnessing AI for Business Growth," hosted by Chris Aukland, Group Managing Director at Ambition and featuring expert insights from Dax Hamman, Founder and CEO of


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The AI Revolution: More Than Just Hype

Dax Hamman emphasised that AI is not just another technological trend; it's a revolutionary force that is here to stay, with its impact potentially surpassing that of the internet in terms of speed and societal change. He likened its potential influence to that of electricity, underscoring the importance of businesses adapting to this new reality. While AI is currently at peak hype, it's far from peak performance. The speed of AI advancement is astonishing, with major shifts occurring weekly.


The Changing Face of Google and SEO

One of the most significant changes discussed was Google's evolution from a search engine to a knowledge engine, summarising information instead of providing links. Dax revealed that an estimated 50% of all clicks on Google search results could disappear over the next 12-36 months. To adapt and improve visibility in AI-driven search results, businesses should focus on creating authoritative content associated with credible authors, structuring information in a Q&A format, and optimising for voice search.


Practical Steps for AI Integration

When it comes to hiring in the AI era, Dax stressed the importance of soft skills over technical AI skills. Curiosity, adaptability, and creative thinking are becoming increasingly valuable.

Companies should implement change management by introducing AI gradually and positively to avoid employee anxiety about job security. Start with simple, everyday applications; he advised companies to encourage their teams to use AI in their daily lives to build confidence and understanding with the technology before implementing it in professional settings. He recommended tools like ChatGPT, Google's Gemini, and Claude for various AI applications.

Dax also advised companies to keep exploring and experimenting with AI tools to maintain a competitive edge. Lastly, companies also need to consider the ethical implications of AI adoption and work towards ensuring equal access to AI technologies.


Addressing AI Concerns

The webinar also tackled common concerns surrounding AI:

1. Ethical considerations: Be aware of potential discrimination and biases in AI-generated content and ensure human oversight.

2. Data privacy and security: Use features like ChatGPT's "temporary chat" to protect sensitive information when using AI tools.

3. Regulation: While AI regulation is coming, it may struggle to keep pace with the rapid advancements in the field.


The Future of AI in Business

Looking ahead, Dax predicted that in-person, face-to-face sales and account management might become more critical in an AI-dominated world. He also touched on the potential impact of AI on employment, suggesting that those in the top 20% of their field who embrace AI are likely to thrive.

The webinar concluded with an encouraging message: we are at a pivotal moment in history with the development of AI. Businesses and individuals who embrace this technology, experiment with AI tools and thoughtfully integrate them into business processes will be best positioned for future success.

To learn more about the content covered during this webinar, please get in touch with the Ambition team.

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